Monday, February 25, 2013

Ugly Pink House

This un-attrached pink ugly incident happened last summer and so I felt like drawing this out and giving it a negative title. >< 
But of course, I had to do the title in Japanese. 
It says," mini-ku-i pink no- iie".
translation: ugly pink house

Done with watercolor background and pastels on PastelMat paper.

Friday, February 22, 2013

I just had to do this....

"Houses on 45th Avenue and Geary Street"

Well, I just had to do this. 
A small group of pastel painted homes that are just above where I grew up in San Francisco.
It was originally intended as a gift, but I'm thinking that I might just keep it myself (smiles).
Anyways, it was a nice sunny day, sort of rare if you live in this neck of the neighborhood, and I just couldn't resist. All in pastels (no mix media this time) on Art Spectrum paper.

At the "Local Essence II" Exhibit (A-K)

With fellow pastel artists...including the fabulous Joan Hellenthal <;0)
Thanks for all your wonderful support and creativity!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Yellow Butterfly and Sewing Thread

"Yellow Butterfly and Sewing Thread"

This is my latest piece which will be showing at the SCAL Member's Local Essence Show. I had fun using watercolor in the background, then once dried, used my usual pastel set for the butterfly. I've lightly drew the plant and circle shapes and then proceeded with the embroidery. I had originally started out with a monarch butterfly, but wanted try something different instead.

Tree Frog with Sewing Thread

Tried another version of me using sewing threads through the paper. Paper Embroidery- which is puncture through paper and thread/sew through same motion as if you were using fabric. But the challenge is not to make any mistakes on the hole puncture, because you can't correct those. Wanted to see if I can do other shapes then just circles. Background is with acrylic paint on Art Spectrum paper.